Empowering future pastoral leaders through our Endowment

At the heart of The Harry Reeder Center for Pastoral Theology, our endowment is more than a fund—it’s a cornerstone of our mission to make theological education accessible. By supporting the center through our endowment, you’re investing in a future where aspiring pastors can pursue their calling without the burden of financial constraints.

Why an Endowment?

BTS operates under a simple principle: seminary should not require student debt. Endowing the Reeder Center will keep seminary financially accessible to students in Birmingham and around the world. We will maintain our long-lasting commitments through anchoring relationships with:

Our Governing Board

BTS is governed by a board of trustees comprised of pastors, ruling elders, and members in good standing of faithful churches. The majority board are elders at Briarwood Presbyterian Church.  

Our Accrediting Body

BTS is a charter member of ARTS (the Association of Reformed Theological Seminaries), which holds accreditation with CHEA (Council on Higher Education and Accreditation).

Our Host

Briarwood Presbyterian Church provides active fiscal, theological, operational, and ethical accountability.

Our Content Partners

InPerspective Ministries, owner of Dr. Reeder's intellectual property, is operated under the oversight of the Reeder Family.

Funding the RCPS

Endowing the Reeder Center will keep seminary financially accessible to students in Birmingham and around the world. We will maintain our long-lasting commitments to orthodox, reformed, and confessional theology for ministerial training for many, many years to come.

  • Today's endowment goal: $6,000,000.

  • Long term endowment goal: $10,000,000.

  • 8% annual draw: $480,000.

Funding the Center

To operate, The Reeder Center will rely on an endowment and seminary fundraising efforts. The Reeder Center annual budget covers the center executive director’s salary, administrative assistant’s salary, scholarships, author contracts, and conference costs. Ongoing fundraising, book sales, and conference revenue sustain and grow the endowment.

$1 Million
All Pastoral studies student scholarships and 10 full scholarships annually for Research Assistants.
$2 Million
6-8 annual book projects w/topics like: The Apostle’s Creed, Christianity and Progressivism, The Five “Ships” of the Christian Armada, etc.
$3 Million
Hire a full-time Ex. Dir. to supervise all pastoral students, teaching classes, mentoring students, and coordinating the program. Helps increase general faculty pay.
$4 Million
Help fund the Lampstand Conference and launch the Reeder Conference on Pastoral Leadership that will convene annually in Birmingham. Host the Stewarding our Legacy Retreat for Pastors and their children.
$5 Million
Administrative support and new book projects with pastors who are exploring new areas based on Dr. Reeder’s work.

Our Guiding Principles

At the heart of the RCPS are five guiding principles that represent the very essence of Pastor Reeder’s ministry:

Biblical Preaching

Gospel-centered, Trinitarian, Christological.

Church Vitality

Focused on health, revitalization, and planting.

Shepherding the Flock

Pastoral, biblical counseling, evangelism training and missions.

Replicating Leaders

Discipleship, mentoring, education.

Personal and Family Spiritual Formation

Intentional, accountable.